In 1963 Mr. Dent performed an emergency blood drop at the Springdale Cottage Hospital for an emergency operation. The only way to get the blood to the Hospital was by plane because the roads were not passable due to a snowstorm. This mission was not easy as our community rests on a shoreline with a large cliff behind it. The winds on this day also made it more difficult. Once the blood was dropped the flight engineer thought he saw the cannister and parachute on a TV antenna which would have meant the blood did not get to the hospital. Instead it was a successful mission as the hospital called and said that if the window was open they could’ve caught it! Ms. Karen Huxter witnessed this blood drop at the Springdale Cottage Hospital! She also got to meet Mr. Dent this summer too! If you would like to find out more about this mission and his inspiring 60 year military journey you can read “Not a Dress Rehearsal” by LCol (Ret’d) Leonard D. Dent, OMM, CD.
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Evan is five years old and loves the wide selection of taxidermy animals we have here! He was also our first child to complete the scavenger hunt!
Way to go Evan! Thanks for visiting!


Thanks for visiting and to their teachers for planning the visit!